
Add or edit referrals

Add a referral

When a colleague sends you a referral, you can add it to Mingle. Go to the Candidatestab and access the profile of the referred candidate. In the upper left part of his profile (next to the contact details), click on Add referral

In the pop-up that opens, add the info for the colleague who made the referral: the name and e-mail address.

The e-mail address is optional, but we recommend to fill it in if you want your colleague to be notified via email about his referral's status. 

Adaugă recomandare

After adding the data, click Saveand the referral will be saved in the database.

Additionally, if the referred candidate is hired, set his start date to receive a payment notification for the referral bonus.

On the right side, in the candidate's history, you will see who added the recommendation to the profile.

Istoric recomandare

If the candidate had no information filled in the field Source, then the Source will be automatically changed to Referral. But if there was data in this field, the initial information will remain. Therefore, be careful to check if the source is correct.

Edit a referral

If you want to change a referral, go to the Candidates tab and access the profile of the referred candidate. In the upper left part of his profile (next to the contact details), click on Referral 

Here you will be able to change the name of the colleague who referred that candidate, as well as their email address. When you're done, click Save

You can also delete the referral completely. All you have to do is click on Remove

Modifică recomandare

If you want to delete a referral, make sure to update the information found in the field Source.