Career page FAQ
Both the Careers page and the job application page can be successfully accessed from a mobile phone or tablet.
Their functionalities are not limited, and candidates will be able to see jobs and apply directly from their mobile phone.
Depending on the language used by candidates, the application form can be in Romanian or English.
If applicants have their browser language set to Romanian, the questions in the form will be in Romanian.
If, instead, applicants have their browser set to another language, the form will be in English.
You can ask candidates to upload various files through the application form. Here are the formats that can be uploaded:
For CVs, candidates can upload any file in pdf, doc, docx or odt format.
The maximum size supported is 5 MB.
Other files
Multiple additional files can be uploaded within the 20MB limit.
The supported file types are:
doc, docx, pdf, rtf, txt, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, csv, odt, jpeg, jpg, png, bmp, svg, tif, tiff, jfi, jif, jfif, gif, webp, fpx, rar, zip, tar, mp3, aif, mpa, wav, oga, ogg, mkv, mk3d, mka, mks, avi, mp4, mpg, mpeg, ogv, h264, flv, webm, m2v, m4v, ai, psd, ps, 3ds, blend, blend1, blend2