For each job, you can assign a recruiter that will be responsible for it.
Thus,all candidates who apply for that job will be automatically assigned to the responsible recruiter. In addition, you will be able to filter the job list and candidates by a specific recruiter.
Define the recruiter responsible for a job
Access the Jobs menu from the top menu bar. Click on an existing job or add a new one.
You will reach the job definition menu. Access the field Assigned recruiterfrom the right side. Here, from the list of users, choose the person responsible for that job.
And that's it! All candidates applying for that job from now on will be assigned to the recruiter defined for that job.
Filter the job list by recruiter
In the Jobs section from the top bar, click on the Recruiter filter above the job list. Choose from the list the recruiters by which you want to filter the jobs.
Change the recruiter of a candidate
You can change the recruiter assigned to a candidate from their profile page, in the Recruiter (you can find it on the right side, under the actions you can perform with the candidate).
Change the recruiter of several candidates at once
In the Candidates section from the top bar, select the candidates you want by clicking on the squares that appear on the left side of the table, right next to their names.
Click on the Editbutton located in the table's header. In the window that opens, choose the option Recruiter from the field Information you want to modify. Next, from the drop-down list, choose the recruiter you want to assign to the candidates.