
Create custom fields in the candidate profile

Add new fields

In addition to the already existing fields in the candidate profile, you can add other fields to keep track of additional information.

For this, in the candidate's profile go to Candidate profile - Customize fields  

câmpuri custom

Click on Customize fieldsand a pop-up will open where you can define the fields you need.

campuri custom

Define the data type

When you create the field, also choose the data type based on what information you want to keep in that field.

For example:

  • Use Number for the fields related to the candidate's salary expectations;
  • Use Calendar date for information related to the day when work can start;
  • Use Dropdown list if you want to choose from certain predefined options.

Add options for dropdown lists

For the "Dropdown list" fields, you can define the options directly from the respective field.

Once you have created a dropdown field, you will see the option: Define list

campuri custom

Click on it and type one of the options. Then click on the Add optionbutton which appears below.

campuri custom

To add the other options, click on the field again and type in the name of the new option. Click on Add option to add it to the list.

The options will appear in the dropdown list. For each candidate you will be able to choose the right option. You will be able to add other options later if needed.

campuri custom

Edit fields

If you want to change certain fields, you can edit them by clicking on Customize fields

You can rename a field by clicking on the box with its name and writing the new name.

If you haven't filled in any option in this field (for any candidate), then you can change the type of data for it.

However, if there are already candidates who have values in this field, you can no longer change the data type for it.

Click on Customize fields. Here, hover over the field you want to reorder. You will see a new icon to the right of the field box. 

Click on it and move the field in the list using your cursor.

campuri candidat

You can archive a field by clicking on the x icon that appears when you hover the mouse over that field.

An archived field will no longer be visible in any candidate's profile.

If you have already added data in this field, it will not be lost - it will just be hidden from the candidates' profile.

campuri candidat

If you have archived a field in the past, you can reactivate it. 

This way, the field will be visible again in the candidates' profile. If there was information filled in this field, then it will also be visible.

In the Customize fields window, click on Archived fields

Go to the field you want to reactivate and click on the icon that appears on the right when you hover over it.

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