Manage the referral bonuses to be paid Add the candidate's first day on the job For referred candidates, Mingle calculates when the bonus payment is due based on their first day of work.Here's how to set up the first work day for a candidate:Search for the desired candidate in the candidate list and click on his name to reach the profile pageMove the candidate into the Hired status by clicking the status button in the top right corner.You will see a notification to set the First day of work on the right side of the profile. Click this button to set the first working day. Manage bonuses to be paid You can see the upcoming bonuses in the Referrals menu from the top bar.In this table you will find information about the bonus amount, the due date, the employee who must receive the bonus and the referred candidate.If you pay the bonus in several installments, all installments will appear in the table. You can also edit the bonus to be paid or fill in its value if it wasn't added beforehand. To edit, click on the bonus, enter the new value and click Save. To add a value, click on Addinsert de bonus value and then click Save. Receive payment notifications Each month you will also automatically receive an email notification regarding the bonuses that must be paid that month.