
Customize your Careers Page

From the Settings menu you can customize your account and company data.

Customize your Careers Page

Click on your name at the top right of the menu bar. From the drop-down list, choose Settings. On the Settings page, navigate to Company settings

From here you will be able to customize the job sites you are connected to, the company GDPR policy, and also the information on the Careers page. 

setări companie

Customize the application form

Each job on Mingle has its own application page, which includes the job description and application form. You can customize it from Settings > Application form

Here you will be able to choose which fields appear in the form, as well as whether they are mandatory or optional.

Mingle automatically adapts the form according to the applicant's language and will display one of the two variants according to his preferences (Romanian or English).
For the best experience make sure you have the form fields written in both languages.

Campuri optional și obligatoriu

Field types in the application form

Using Add field, you can select from the following available options:

Field Remarks
Name of the candidate. This field cannot be removed and is always required.
Candidate email address.
Phone number
Candidate phone number. The country prefix is ​​also accepted (ex. "+40..").
Allows the candidate to specify the location they are applying for. The field is only displayed for jobs posted on multiple locations.
Upload CV
Field that allows the candidate to upload a CV file. Accepts files up to 5MB of the following types: pdf, doc, docx, odt.
LinkedIn profile
The link to the candidate's LinkedIn profile.
Other relevant links (ex. social media profile, personal website).
Any relevant files other than CV (ex. cover letter, portfolio). Accepts files up to 20MB of the following types: doc, docx, pdf, rtf, txt, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, csv, odt, jpeg, jpg, png, bmp, svg, tif, tiff, jfi, jif, jfif, gif, webp, fpx, rar, zip, tar, mp3, aif, mpa, wav, oga, ogg, mkv, mk3d, mka, mks, avi, mp4, mpg, mpeg, ogv, h264, flv, webm, m2v, m4v, ai, psd, ps, 3ds, blend, blend1, blend2.
You can add any number of open-ended questions to which the candidate can answer freely. The answer to the question will be recorded in the candidate's profile in the "Answers" section.
Custom internal fields
You can include existing fields from the candidate's profile on Mingle. See how it works below. 👇

Internal fields in the application form

In addition to the standard fields available, you can also add any existing field from the Candidate profile .

Thus, the information submitted by the candidate at the time of application will be recorded in the corresponding field in their profile:

Câmpuri profil candidat

If you include fields with the "Dropdown list" type in the application form, candidates will see the same set of options as in the "Candidate profile" on Mingle.


Therefore, in these situations, make sure you only publish fields that are suitable for public view (ex. fields with options relevant to candidates, without internal terminology or information that could cause confusion).